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The most juicy and delicious brisket you'll ever taste uses a surprisingly small amount of ingredients



  • Large brisket. Good quality brisket is key here.

  • Onions (sliced)

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Paprika

  • Carrots

  • Oil


  1. Wash the brisket

  2. In a large dutch oven (ie. Le Creuset), sear all sides of the brisket in oil over medium heat on the stove top.

  3. Add enough water to cover the brisket

  4. Add sliced onions, salt, pepper and paprika, and simmer for 90 minutes

  5. Take brisket out of the dutch oven and cool on a cutting board for 30 minutes

  6. Cut the brisket across the grain into slices, and return to the dutch oven

  7. Add lots of carrot slices and cook for another 90 min

  8. Serve hot, or refrigerate and serve the next day for the best flavor

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