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Latke Egg Benedict

Delightful take on a New York Classic, which will make an "egg-celent" appetizer at your next brunch or dinner party

The classic egg Benedict is a poached egg over a slice of Canadian bacon atop an english muffin doused in Hollandaise sauce.

In my version, I substitute the ham for lox, the English Muffin for a latke, and let the Hollandaise sauce be optional. I also prefer to fry my egg, but that is a personal preference.

Latke Egg Benedict


  • Lakes (at least one per person). These can be homemade or frozen if you are short on time. You can find the homemade recipe here.

  • Eggs (1 per latke)

  • 1 8oz package of lox/ smoked salmon

For the Hollandaise Sauce (optional)

  • 4 tsp butter

  • 4 egg yolks

  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice , or lime juice

  • 1 tsp heavy cream

  • Salt

  • Pepper


  1. Prepare/ cook the latkes. If frozen, cook them them per instructions on the box.

  2. Fry or poach the eggs

  3. Assemble the eggs on top of the latkes (one egg per latke), and ad a pinch of salt and pepper

  4. Using a fork, lay small slices of lox/ smoked salmon on top of the egg/ latke

  5. Serve hot as is, or add Hollandaise sauce on top

Hollandaise Sauce Directions (optional)

  • Melt the butter in a small saucepan.

  • In a separate small bowl, beat the egg yolks. Mix in lemon juice, heavy cream, and salt and pepper.

  • Add a small spoonful of the hot melted butter to the egg mixture and stir well. Repeat this process adding a spoonful at a time of hot butter to the egg mixture.( Adding the butter slowly, a spoonful at a time, will temper the eggs and ensure they don't curdle).

  • Next, pour the mixture (with the butter in it) back into the saucepan.

  • Cook on low heat, stirring constantly, for just 20-30 seconds. Remove from heat and set aside. It will thicken as it cools.

  • Stir well and add another splash of cream, if needed, to thin.

  • Spoon out over lox/egg/latke and serve

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